Axis Inc.


 Current Location:

Cambridge, MA

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Axis Inc.

210 Meister Avenue

Somerville, NJ 08876

(908) 429-0090

Where automation engineers find local automation solutions...


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Trio Motion

Trio Motion Distributor

New Jersey, New York, and Long Island

Trio Motion Website

Trio Motion Distributor - New Jersey, New York, and Long Island


Trio Motion Technology is a leading manufacturer of high-performance industrial motion control products.

This is only a sample of products available we carry. For information about a specific product or help with an application, call Axis or visit the manufacturer website through the link on this page.

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Trio Motion Products

Trio Motion - UNIPLAY HMI

Uniplay Hmi

Trio Motion

Trio Motion - MC464


Trio Motion

Trio Motion - MC4N


Trio Motion

Trio Motion - Euro404 and Euro408

Euro404 And Euro408

Trio Motion

Trio Motion - input output module

Input Output Module

Trio Motion

Trio Motion - MC405


Trio Motion

Trio Motion - MC403


Trio Motion

Trio Motion - Motion Coordinator

Motion Coordinator

Trio Motion

Trio Motion - MC464


Trio Motion

Sample Trio Motion Part Numbers:

























































































